Tag Archives: innovation

How did Game Changing Ideas, Change the Game?

Success does not discriminate. Ideas from tiny to large, simple to complex, and seemingly dull to extraordinary, have all become successful at one time or another. Sure, success has its preferences, such as simplicity rather than complexity, but those ideas that became “Game Changers”, those that literally changed something, are all different in every way, shape, and form. In this original article by Business Idears, we look at 4 Ideas that were Game Changers, and we dissect them to see why they were so successful, and apply that to your business. Note that there are countless other game-changing ideas throughout history, but these are the four that we picked to represent our four key aspects of business success that is described within the article.

1. The iPhone

This simple concept, but complex behind the scenes, this idea of a device that can do it all really hit people’s hearts in the right way. It replaced countless objects and machines, and compacted all their uses into a single slab of plastic and electronics. Why is it so popular? Because its simple.

The simplicity and intuitiveness of the iPhone’s design is what made it such a hit. Yeah, sure, its technology is cutting edge, but the iPhone was not the first smartphone to be released, blew Blackberry and other competitors off the charts, and became a sensation. That is because of its sleek, easy to use interface. So that brings us to lesson number one, which is make it simple.

If you cannot explain your idea to a 8 year old and have him/her understand you completely, it’s too complicated.

2. eBay

Ebay completely changed the way the internet was used. Before eBay became the hit virtual marketplace it is today, the internet was primarily used for information-based services. eBay came onto the scene, and changed the game. Why? Well, because it provided a valuable, easy-to-use system for consumers to make money off of. The whole idea here is incentive.

Incentives are what make the world go ’round, and what brings in money for eBay. There’s an incentive to post your product on eBay and you probably guess it: cash. But its not only cash, there’s social recognition, which is just as big apart of eBay as cash is. Social recognition is by far, the biggest incentive on the internet. It’s the reason for all social media’s successes in the past decade and countless other startups. So, lesson number two is to incentivize your business. Make it fun. Create a point system; Dispense points to repeat customers, and set up a reward system for cashing in points, such as a free T-shirt. The possibilities are endless, but the point remains constant: incentives are the key to making money in business. 

3. Blogs

Blogs created an emotional connection between users right off the bat. Users post information about their lives, and people comment, follow, and favorite their posts, similar to all the social media sites today. The reason blogging became such a mainstream practice, is because it provokes an emotional response.

Blog create human connections, even though its a virtual one, it still means something. People feel included, liked, and worthy, when their posts are favorited or they get a nice comment from a random person from Idaho or any place for that matter. Even though this flip flops and there can be negative experiences that come with blogging and social media, the idea is still the same: something that feels natural and provokes an emotional response, sells. Period.

When it comes down to it, we’re human. We are living, breathing, animals who are living in a tech-like world. When a product or service brings on a positive emotional reaction or feeling, it almost becomes worth the cost right then and there. It feels natural, and that is the best feeling to have. That brings us to lesson number three which is direct your business in the most natural, human-like direction as possible. That means, become more personal as you greet the customers, make them feel comfortable and at-ease. Or create a secret benefit system, such as if someone buys an item 10 times, they receive a surprise reward, which provokes an emotional response. Or train your customer service team so customers feel more under your wings and all their questions/concerns are addressed. You can go in all sorts of directions with this idea. Keep it natural. 

4. Apps

Applications changed the entire mobile market. In fact, it created its own market, and marketplace! The App Store sells 30 Million Apps a day, and there are specific reasons as to why that is. The most important one perhaps, is that apps provide a quick, on-the-go style of living. From entertainment apps to utility apps, they provide a service that is instantaneous. This is the fourth lesson, which is to make your service or product convenient.

Convenience is a necessity in today’s modern world’s markets. People expect convenience, and if a product doesn’t provide it, the consumer looks elsewhere. That’s the reality of it. So, if you are going to compete, you must make convenience one of your top priorities in your product development and company culture. Make  it easy for your consumer to find you online and design your website in a way that makes payment easy as 1-2-3. Or perhaps have your business’s number right at the top of the page, so all customers can see it. An example of a company that implemented this is Zappos.com. They  made customer-service their top priority, and it payed off. Convenience makes your product, or service more valuable.

These are the four lessons covered in this article that you should apply to your business right away:

1. Make it Simple.

2. Incentivize.

3. Keep it Natural.

4. Conevenience.

Hope you enjoyed the article, and got something out of it! Follow us for more content like this. 

Inside the Minds of Entrepreneurs.

Just think of it. Creating something new, extraordinary…something so incredible that it does the impossible and changes not just a town, not just a city, or a country…but the world. Just think of it.

This is an Original Article by Business Idears, and I am going to take you on a journey into the minds of 3 Remarkable Entrepreneurs, who changed the course of business and perhaps history. This article is written under the assumption that the backgrounds of the three men below are known at least a little bit, so the focus of the overall article is describing the minds of the entrepreneurs below.

Continue reading Inside the Minds of Entrepreneurs.

Inception to Implementation

Ingredient of a Successful Small Business Recipe

A few simple steps, some tips and tricks, active presence of mind and lots of common sense is the key behind each and every successful small business. Every business starts with a small inception that has a strong potential to touch the heights of Success. You need to act as the fuel of your small business ideas to make it as big as you desire and earn as much money as you can think.

Successful Small Business Ideas Inception

Inception of a small business idea can only take place in your own mind and believe me, it always starts with something as small as that can be easily neglected. Think twice before throwing away your idea into the garbage bin. You never know, it may have a hidden fortune for you. Look around yourself and then try to understand your strength and weaknesses. Do something that you are best at and don’t hesitate whether it is small or big.

Small Business Ideas Are In Need of Enthusiastic Takers

There are innumerable opportunities around all of us. Observe and pick up the one that matches your interest and skills. You can feel a spark of high energy running in your veins whenever a compatible small business idea penetrates your mind. Similarly as you are looking around for good and successful small businesses ideas, the small businesses ideas are also trying to find the worthy takers who have the the power to implement it successfully.

Identify the Competitors Against your Small Business

Competitors are the biggest challenge for any entrepreneur, whether big or small. Tough competition in today’s dynamic global market is one of the most important aspect of any small business or big business. A market research is the best tool to find out about your competitors, their strengths and their weaknesses, even the most successful business houses have their weaknesses. You must learn to convert their weaknesses as your strength.

Mapping of Strengths and Weaknesses of Competitive Businesses

There are three areas that needs your consideration. First, your own strength and weaknesses. Second, the strength and weaknesses of your small business idea and third, the strength and weaknesses of your business competitors. You must write it down in three different sections for a clear and concrete understanding. Evaluate the weaknesses against the strengths so that the total impact of your strength and weaknesses must overtake your competitors’ strength and weaknesses.

All the Business Ideas are Meant to be Implemented

Thinking doesn’t takes the world on wheel and 99% people who fail at establishing a successful small business or a successful big business are not able to get out from their thinking mind. Their small business ideas starts in their brain but sadly their business idea dies a slow suffocating death in their brain only. Business ideas aren’t meant to be kept locked in the brain. Push it out in the competitive business world so that it can get its own life.

Failure to Success Should not Scare Your Business Ideas

The world is tough and competitive, thus you should not expect the things to be easy for you. An important aspect behind any successful small business is its strength in facing the threat to failure. In this world, there is neither a small business idea or a big business idea that can guarantee you success in advance. You as well as your small business ideas must have the strength to fight against the threat of failure.

Hard Work is the Key to Success

If you ever thought that small business ideas can be easily implemented, then you must know that you are travelling towards failure. There is no substitute to hard work, in fact, it is only your hard work that has the power to sail you through all the tough time. Your small business idea will test you many times by posing failures and if you give up then it is the end of your small business ideas. You have to face it all without getting disappointed, if you really want to taste the fruit of Success.

Patience and Time Needed Behind Every Successful Business

Just like a fruit needs time to ripen for a sweet taste, similarly every small or big business idea needs time to mature itself to a stage where it can start giving you the fruits of money. Your small business ideas need your time as well as your patience. Many times, you will feel like giving up but it is only your patience that can help you sail through your success story.

Believe in Yourself, Your Strength and Skills

Every single person in this world is born with certain unique qualities. The qualities that aren’t found in anyone else. Your biggest challenge is to realise your own unique skills and your strength so that you can apply it in the right direction to conquer the world of business ideas. There is no scarcity of business ideas in this world. The shortage is of the people, who have the strength and power to nurture their small seed of small business ideas into big trees of successful businesses.